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We are studying the South of Davis Area and need your help!
The Town of Newmarket is working on updating its official plan. As part of this project, the Town will be conducting a study for the South of Davis Drive Area (SODA) (see map for details) and incorporating appropriate policy recommendations in the updated Official Plan.
The SODA study will evaluate the area of Main Street from Simcoe Street to Millard Avenue, between Niagara Street and the railway line, and set out a vision for this area’s redevelopment.
Previous Engagement Events
A SODA pop-up event took place on June 13, 2023. Thank you to all residents who attended our SODA pop-up event at the visioning workshop! At the workshop, we brainstormed about:
What your current experience is with the area?
How we can preserve or enhance the heritage buildings and landscapes?
What types of housing types and other uses you’d like to see?
Development opportunities and more?
A Town-wide survey was launched in at the beginning of June, 2023 to allow more residents to provide their feedback on the area. The survey has now closed and we will be contacting those who won a gift card as a thank you for participating in our survey.
The SODA team was present at the Farmers' Market on July 8, 2023 to provide more information about the initiative and for residents to share their feedback.
At the September 18, 2023 Council Workshop, Newmarket Council was presented with findings from the South of Davis Area (SODA) study engagement process so far. The workshop focused on five areas of concentration (housing, placemaking, heritage, and urban design, land use, natural heritage and SODA).
This website is your one-stop-shop for information about the project, updates, and news about upcoming events. Don’t forget to subscribe and join the project mailing list and get updates sent to your Inbox. Check back on this website for public engagement opportunities!
We are studying the South of Davis Area and need your help!
The Town of Newmarket is working on updating its official plan. As part of this project, the Town will be conducting a study for the South of Davis Drive Area (SODA) (see map for details) and incorporating appropriate policy recommendations in the updated Official Plan.
The SODA study will evaluate the area of Main Street from Simcoe Street to Millard Avenue, between Niagara Street and the railway line, and set out a vision for this area’s redevelopment.
Previous Engagement Events
A SODA pop-up event took place on June 13, 2023. Thank you to all residents who attended our SODA pop-up event at the visioning workshop! At the workshop, we brainstormed about:
What your current experience is with the area?
How we can preserve or enhance the heritage buildings and landscapes?
What types of housing types and other uses you’d like to see?
Development opportunities and more?
A Town-wide survey was launched in at the beginning of June, 2023 to allow more residents to provide their feedback on the area. The survey has now closed and we will be contacting those who won a gift card as a thank you for participating in our survey.
The SODA team was present at the Farmers' Market on July 8, 2023 to provide more information about the initiative and for residents to share their feedback.
At the September 18, 2023 Council Workshop, Newmarket Council was presented with findings from the South of Davis Area (SODA) study engagement process so far. The workshop focused on five areas of concentration (housing, placemaking, heritage, and urban design, land use, natural heritage and SODA).
This website is your one-stop-shop for information about the project, updates, and news about upcoming events. Don’t forget to subscribe and join the project mailing list and get updates sent to your Inbox. Check back on this website for public engagement opportunities!
Share It would be wonderful to see the North end of South Main St. as welcoming to visitors as the South end is. How long will it take to see this plan put into motion. on FacebookShare It would be wonderful to see the North end of South Main St. as welcoming to visitors as the South end is. How long will it take to see this plan put into motion. on TwitterShare It would be wonderful to see the North end of South Main St. as welcoming to visitors as the South end is. How long will it take to see this plan put into motion. on LinkedinEmail It would be wonderful to see the North end of South Main St. as welcoming to visitors as the South end is. How long will it take to see this plan put into motion. link
It would be wonderful to see the North end of South Main St. as welcoming to visitors as the South end is. How long will it take to see this plan put into motion.
David Fredenburg
9 months ago
Hello David,
Thank you for your feedback. We are currently in Phase 3 of the study process, which includes drafting policy directions for the study area. We anticipate that the policies for this area will be brought forward together with an updated Official Plan sometime in 2025. Please make sure to register so we can let you know about public consultation events in the summer and fall of 2024, and any staff reports to Council with information on policy directions for this area!
Share Is there a way residents can contribute virtually if they can't attend either in-person pop-up event? Unfortunately, I am booked working both time slots. TIA on FacebookShare Is there a way residents can contribute virtually if they can't attend either in-person pop-up event? Unfortunately, I am booked working both time slots. TIA on TwitterShare Is there a way residents can contribute virtually if they can't attend either in-person pop-up event? Unfortunately, I am booked working both time slots. TIA on LinkedinEmail Is there a way residents can contribute virtually if they can't attend either in-person pop-up event? Unfortunately, I am booked working both time slots. TIA link
Is there a way residents can contribute virtually if they can't attend either in-person pop-up event? Unfortunately, I am booked working both time slots. TIA
over 1 year ago
Thanks for your interest in the project Dayna! Yes, residents can also participate through an online survey on this project page, which we'll be posting closer to the event date.
Phase 1 - Project Start-Up, Background and Information Review
South of Davis Area Study has finished this stage
In this phase, the project team gathered background information and data that are required in completing the Official Plan Update. The project team prepared a Background Summary Report, which serves as the baseline inventory of existing resources and documents that will inform the Official Plan Update.
Phase 2 - Visioning
South of Davis Area Study has finished this stage
In this phase, the project team will conduct Round 1 Consultation Cluster, which will be the first formal touch point with the community and stakeholders. Engagement activities in this phase will focus on visioning and developing guiding principles for the updated Official Plan.
Phase 3 - Prepare Policy Direction Reports
South of Davis Area Study is currently at this stage
In this phase, the project team will prepare draft policy direction reports on:
Planning Policy Conformity;
Land Use;
South of Davis Drive Area Study;
Housing/Housing Affordability;
Natural Heritage System;
Climate Change/Sustainability;
Servicing and Infrastructure, and
Place-making and Urban Design.
This is also where Round 2 Consultation Cluster with residents, stakeholders, and Council will take place.
Phase 4 - Prepare Draft Official Plan
this is an upcoming stage for South of Davis Area Study
Based on the comments and input received in Phases 2 and 3, the project team will prepare the draft Official Plan
Phase 5 - Council Workshops, Statutory Open House and Public Meeting
this is an upcoming stage for South of Davis Area Study
The project team will share the draft Official Plan and collect feedback from residents, stakeholders, and Council at Council Workshops, Open House, and public meeting.
Phase 6 - Council Adoption of the updated Official Plan and Approval
this is an upcoming stage for South of Davis Area Study
The final Official Plan will be presented to Council for adoption. Once adopted, the updated Official Plan will be forwarded to York Region for approval.
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