Newmarket's Official Plan Review
Hey Newmarket! We are updating our Official Plan and we need your help.
Upcoming Virtual Public Information Session
Join us for the Town of Newmarket Official Plan Review virtual public information session on Tuesday, February 25th from 6 to 8 p.m. This online event, hosted together with our project consultants, will focus on providing a review of key policy directions for the updated Official Plan.
We encourage all residents and stakeholders to participate and share their insights. Your involvement is important in helping to shape future growth in Newmarket! We look forward to seeing you there.
Registration is encouraged, but not required. Register for this meeting at:
Unveiling Future Newmarket

At a Council Workshop on December 2, 2024, we unveiled Future Newmarket, a comprehensive, community-driven plan for sustainable growth as part of the Town’s Official Plan Review. This visionary document uses a ‘People-First’ approach to Land Use Planning and emphasizes the importance of community engagement where diverse voices are heard and considered, build trust between the community and Town planners, and promotes growth aligned with Newmarket’s long-term vision and values.
Future Newmarket was developed through an extensive public engagement process with the community that saw the Planning team attend various events like the Farmer’ Market and Canada Day, through a series of “Pop-ups” at community centres and public space around Town, a Public Information Centre featuring presentations on Cultural Heritage, Economic Development and Parks and Open Spaces and more, and collaboration with our Indigenous communities.
With your feedback, we came up with FIVE guiding principles that are supported by four key strategic actions, which will underpin policy directions for the Official Plan.
- Foster a vibrant, diverse, and accessible community
- Cultivate a green and resilient community
- Enhance complete communities for sustainable living
- Build a connected community
- Continue to be a place to stay and visit
We’ve also developed 3 Official Plan lenses and a new Theme Area for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and refined policy directions for the updated Town Structure.
Work on the Official Plan Review continues in 2025 with a South of Davis Area Workshop planned in early 2025.
Once complete, the Official Plan Review will help guide a vibrant and resilient future for #Newmarket.
Learn more by reviewing the Future Newmarket Presentation, or watching the December 2 Council Workshop on the Official Plan Review.
Official Plan Review Public Information Centre
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Town of Newmarket Official Plan Review Public Information Centre (PIC) on Thursday, August 29th at Old Town Hall. We were thrilled to have well over 100 participants attend the event!
Highlights of the Events Included:
- The reveal of our vision artwork with Jeff Nye
- Presentations from five guest speakers
- 11 themed booths where participants engaged with staff on draft policy directions.
Didn't get to attend? View a copy of the presentations below:
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Cultural Heritage
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Placemaking and the Public Realm
- Jobs and Employment
Please note that the Virtual Public Meeting mentioned at the Public Meeting has been postponed to fall/early winter.
View our 11 discussion policy guides on the following topics to learn more:
Affordable Housing | Transportation & Connections | Parks & Open Spaces | Cultural Heritage | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | Placemaking and Urban Design | Infrastructure | Complete Communities | Jobs & Employment | Growth Management | Climate Change and Natural Heritage
Thank you to everyone who came out our Planner Pop-Up Events in June and July 2024 to learn about policy directions and for the Official Plan Review.
At our pop-up events we explored the new policy directions for Newmarket’s updated Official Plan to see how we are planning for a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive future. We
The Town of Newmarket hosted pop-up events at the Newmarket Seniors' Meeting Place, the Magna Centre, Ray Twinney Recreation Complex, Canada Day Event, and various Farmers' Market.
What is an official plan?
An Official Plan is a policy document that guides how land in a municipality should be used. It mainly describes where new housing, institutional uses, offices, and shops will be located; what and where services like roads, parks, trails, and schools will be needed; and what and where natural features need to be protected and/or enhanced.
Newmarket's Official Plan must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, and conforms to Provincial plans such as the A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, and York Region Official Plan.
Why should you care?
You live and/or work in this community. You SHOULD have an opportunity to help plan, create and have a say in the future of your community.
Your input will help us revise existing policies and/or create new policies in the updated Official Plan, which will help the Town manage growth and development, protect what you value, and create an innovative and forward-thinking community.
Don’t pass up on this unique opportunity to help plan for a Future Ready Newmarket.
About the Official Plan Review and the Project Team
The Town of Newmarket, together with a consultant team led by WSP, is updating the Town of Newmarket Official Plan. The updated Official Plan will contain a vision for the future stated through goals and policies. The Official Plan Review will occur in six phases and will include community engagement throughout. We are currently in Phase 3 - Policy Directions.
Town of Newmarket Official Plan Review Study Process
The updated Official Plan will establish innovative, proactive and contemporary policies to reflect the changing characteristics and demographics of Newmarket, manage growth and development to the 2051 planning horizon, and review important matters such as housing, employment, and protect what our residents value most. The updated Official Plan will also conform to policies and directions contained in the York Region Official Plan (2022).
This project also involves conducting a study for the south of Davis Drive area (the SODA study) and incorporating appropriate policy recommendations in the updated Official Plan. The SODA study will evaluate the area of Main Street from Simcoe Street to Millard Avenue, between Niagara Street and the railway line, and set out a vision for this area’s redevelopment. Learn more about the SODA study at
How can you participate?
This website is your one-stop-shop for information about the project, updates, and news about upcoming events. Don’t forget to subscribe and join the project mailing list and get updates sent to your Inbox. Check back on this website for public engagement opportunities!