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Consultation has concluded
Newmarket is poised for growth. Most is anticipated to occur along the Davis Drive and Yonge Street corridors, as well as surrounding existing and planned GO Stations. Neighbourhoods, which are anticipated to remain stable, are also experiencing growth. This has primarily occurred through the creation of new lots and dwellings. This can be done respectfully, but can also occur in a manner which is not compatible with the character of the neighbourhood.
To address these concerns, the Town is undertaking a comprehensive review of all established neighbourhoods. The objective is to identify and characterize neighbourhoods throughout Newmarket, and to develop and implement policies to guide future development, while addressing neighbourhood character and compatibility.
We Want to Know: As a resident of Newmarket, how do you define, interact-with and characterize your neighbourhood?
Get involved by:
Tell us about the character of your neighbourhood;
Walk us through a typical week in your neighbourhood;
Tell us about your neighbourhood;
Show us your neighbourhood; and
Visit our website for more information.
Newmarket is poised for growth. Most is anticipated to occur along the Davis Drive and Yonge Street corridors, as well as surrounding existing and planned GO Stations. Neighbourhoods, which are anticipated to remain stable, are also experiencing growth. This has primarily occurred through the creation of new lots and dwellings. This can be done respectfully, but can also occur in a manner which is not compatible with the character of the neighbourhood.
To address these concerns, the Town is undertaking a comprehensive review of all established neighbourhoods. The objective is to identify and characterize neighbourhoods throughout Newmarket, and to develop and implement policies to guide future development, while addressing neighbourhood character and compatibility.
We Want to Know: As a resident of Newmarket, how do you define, interact-with and characterize your neighbourhood?
Get involved by:
Tell us about the character of your neighbourhood;
Walk us through a typical week in your neighbourhood;
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Who can I contact for more information or to leave a comment?
about 5 years ago
For more information, please contact Dave Ruggle, Senior Planner – Community Planning, at
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What about public engagement?
about 5 years ago
On May 16, 2019, the Town of Newmarket and SvN held a Public Open House and Design Workshop for the Neighbourhoods Official Plan Amendment. At this event, participants were given the opportunity to view display boards and after a brief overview, participate in a rotating series of individual and group-based exercises. These aimed to identify neighbourhoods by name, extents, organizational structure, amenities and key destinations, while defining their key elements and characteristics.
The materials provided at the Public Open House and Design Workshop for the Neighbourhoods Official Plan Amendment are linked below and are available under "Document Library" on the right:
Please continue to check back for more information on the next public engagement session and for updates on the Established Neighbourhoods Compatibility Study.
For the all the latest information on the Established Neighbourhoods Compatibility Study, be sure to check back here frequently and follow our Instagram page @townofnewmarket.
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How long will this study take?
about 5 years ago
Currently, the anticipated timeframe for implementation is approximately 12 months.
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Who is conducting the study?
about 5 years ago
The Town has awarded SvN Architects + Planners the Planning Consultant contract for this project which means they will be working with the Town to lead the process and develop the necessary policies.
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Why is this study being conducted?
about 5 years ago
Residential trends in Newmarket are shifting from suburban growth to urban intensification and redevelopment. Concerns have been raised regarding the compatibility of new homes or additions to existing homes that comply with the current zoning by-law regulations but are considered to be out of character with the built form of the established neighbourhoods in which they are located.
One of the fundamental objectives of planning and zoning is to ensure compatibility between properties and land uses. Compatibility is achieved in part by regulating land use and built form.As such, Council directed staff to initiate a study of existing established neighbourhoods to examine the regulatory framework of the Town's
As such, Council directed staff to initiate a study of existing established neighbourhoods to examine the regulatory framework of the Town's Zoning By-law and Official Plan and propose recommendations for amendments that will assist in maintaining the existing character of the mature neighbourhood.
As an interim protection, Council enacted Interim Control By-law 2019-04 on January 21, 2019, to restrict the level of change in the Town's established neighbourhoods until new directions have been established through completion of the study.
Interim Control By-law 2019-04 temporarily prohibits the following in many areas of the town:
Increasing the height of residential dwellings
Building new residential dwellings on vacant lots
Expanding the floor area of existing residential dwellings by 25% or more
Rebuilding a residential dwelling with 25% or more floor area
Interim Control By-law 2019-04 applies to:
Stable and Emerging Residential lands in the Town's Official Plan
Residential lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine
Residential land adjacent to historic Main Street South
Find more information on the Interim Control By-law 2019-04 online here.
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What exactly is this study?
about 5 years ago
In order to achieve greater compatibility for new builds and redevelopments within an established residential neighbourhood, the Town will be looking to amend the Official Plan by defining Newmarket's existing neighbourhoods and develop specific policies based on the community characteristics.
First, we will be defining existing community characteristics. We anticipate that a few methods would be utilized to do so, such as using existing GIS data on housing coverage, lot area and frontages among other available information, to provide quick neighbourhood statistics that can act as a benchmark for zone standards for that particular area.
Once neighbourhoods are identified, much of the character will be defined through community visits and neighbourhood walkabouts as well as surveys aimed at gaining an understanding of what the residents within existing community's hold as important to the defining character of where they live. With this information, the consultants will be in a position to develop Official Plan policies to protect these identified characteristics for each neighbourhood category.
Once the Official Plan policies have been developed, an implementing zoning bylaw is required. Existing and recently modified zone standards will be reviewed for appropriateness for each neighbourhood to ensure the built form is compatible with the adjacent dwellings and the neighbourhood as a whole.
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