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The Town of Newmarket has been developing the Mulock Station Area Secondary Plan. This project will plan for change around the future Mulock GO Station. We want to hear from you and get your feedback on the project!
There will be opportunities to share your thoughts with us throughout the project. By signing-up to follow this project we'll be able to keep you informed of the study’s progress and future opportunities to provide us with feedback and advice. Use the Stay Informed Button to the right to sign up!
You can help us develop the Plan by letting us know what is working well in the station area and what you would like to see in the future.
This Secondary Plan will guide growth and change around the future station, helping to create a transit-supportive community. Transit-supportive communities are well connected, have a mix of uses, parks and retail stores to support more people living and working in the area. They are designed to be pedestrian-friendly, encouraging walking between the transit station and the places people live and work.
Some of the things that we’re looking for your feedback on are:
Existing parks and open spaces and where you might like to see new parks and open spaces
Existing trails and connections and where you might like to see new trails and connections
Existing street networks and where you might like to see new streets
Existing buildings and where you might like to see different land uses (e.g. new residential uses, new commercial uses) and buildings (e.g. taller buildings, lower buildings)
Upcoming Public Input Opportunity:
We have refined the draft concept for how the Mulock Station Area can change. Refinements have been made to the proposed land uses, building height and density permissions on and around the future Mulock GO station. Please join us and tell us how we can further strengthen the draft concept.
When: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (drop-in anytime)
Where: Municipal Office Lobby, 395 Mulock Drive
The Town of Newmarket has been developing the Mulock Station Area Secondary Plan. This project will plan for change around the future Mulock GO Station. We want to hear from you and get your feedback on the project!
There will be opportunities to share your thoughts with us throughout the project. By signing-up to follow this project we'll be able to keep you informed of the study’s progress and future opportunities to provide us with feedback and advice. Use the Stay Informed Button to the right to sign up!
You can help us develop the Plan by letting us know what is working well in the station area and what you would like to see in the future.
This Secondary Plan will guide growth and change around the future station, helping to create a transit-supportive community. Transit-supportive communities are well connected, have a mix of uses, parks and retail stores to support more people living and working in the area. They are designed to be pedestrian-friendly, encouraging walking between the transit station and the places people live and work.
Some of the things that we’re looking for your feedback on are:
Existing parks and open spaces and where you might like to see new parks and open spaces
Existing trails and connections and where you might like to see new trails and connections
Existing street networks and where you might like to see new streets
Existing buildings and where you might like to see different land uses (e.g. new residential uses, new commercial uses) and buildings (e.g. taller buildings, lower buildings)
Upcoming Public Input Opportunity:
We have refined the draft concept for how the Mulock Station Area can change. Refinements have been made to the proposed land uses, building height and density permissions on and around the future Mulock GO station. Please join us and tell us how we can further strengthen the draft concept.
When: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (drop-in anytime)
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Use the slider to go between before and after images of what redevelopment around a hypothetical transit station could look like.
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