Queen Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project

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About the Project
The Town of Newmarket is undertaking a construction project that will see the replacement of the Queen Street bridge above the train tracks (located between Main Street and Prospect Street). See map below for more information. This work is needed after regulatory structural inspections of the bridge, determined that the bridge superstructure required a replacement. Work on the bridge will ensure it continues to be safe for all to use while connecting the community to the heart of Newmarket.

This work is being done in conjunction with Metrolinx and Bell Canada in order to support the Future GO Transit Expansion Plan and the Electrification of the train tracks. This work is expected to take place in two phases.

Phase 1: Bell Canada utility work

  • Directional drilling for the telecommunication conduit (2023)
  • Splicing and reconfiguration of telecommunication cables (2024)

Phase 2: Town of Newmarket's Infrastructure improvements to the Queen Street Bridge (2025 - subject to completion of Bell Canada's works)

Breakdown of the schedule

  • October to November 2023: York Region to complete their repair of the sewer and temporarily restore the area of Queen Street/ Concession Street. - Completed
  • November 2023 to December 2023 – Avertex (Bell’s Contractor) will remobilize on Queen Street and Concession Street to complete the installation of Bell’s conduit along Queen Street between Concession Street and Prospect Street. - Completed
  • Spring 2024 – Permanent restoration of area (relocating utilities, asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, sod, trees, etc.) Minor interruptions to traffic on Queen Street and Concession Street are anticipated during this work.
  • January 2024 to December 2024 – Bell to complete utility work, which will involve cable placement and splicing of wires on Queen Street. This is low-impact work, and there will be minimal impact to traffic on Queen Street during this time. The Town will also be hosting Public Information Centers for the Queen Street bridge replacement project, which will provide residents with a better understanding of the schedule and impacts of the project.
  • Spring 2025 – The Town commences construction on replacing the Queen Street bridge over the train tracks. The bridge will have to be closed during this work. The work is expected to be completed in Spring 2026.

Check back on this site under News Feed for updates on the project.

About the Project
The Town of Newmarket is undertaking a construction project that will see the replacement of the Queen Street bridge above the train tracks (located between Main Street and Prospect Street). See map below for more information. This work is needed after regulatory structural inspections of the bridge, determined that the bridge superstructure required a replacement. Work on the bridge will ensure it continues to be safe for all to use while connecting the community to the heart of Newmarket.

This work is being done in conjunction with Metrolinx and Bell Canada in order to support the Future GO Transit Expansion Plan and the Electrification of the train tracks. This work is expected to take place in two phases.

Phase 1: Bell Canada utility work

  • Directional drilling for the telecommunication conduit (2023)
  • Splicing and reconfiguration of telecommunication cables (2024)

Phase 2: Town of Newmarket's Infrastructure improvements to the Queen Street Bridge (2025 - subject to completion of Bell Canada's works)

Breakdown of the schedule

  • October to November 2023: York Region to complete their repair of the sewer and temporarily restore the area of Queen Street/ Concession Street. - Completed
  • November 2023 to December 2023 – Avertex (Bell’s Contractor) will remobilize on Queen Street and Concession Street to complete the installation of Bell’s conduit along Queen Street between Concession Street and Prospect Street. - Completed
  • Spring 2024 – Permanent restoration of area (relocating utilities, asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, sod, trees, etc.) Minor interruptions to traffic on Queen Street and Concession Street are anticipated during this work.
  • January 2024 to December 2024 – Bell to complete utility work, which will involve cable placement and splicing of wires on Queen Street. This is low-impact work, and there will be minimal impact to traffic on Queen Street during this time. The Town will also be hosting Public Information Centers for the Queen Street bridge replacement project, which will provide residents with a better understanding of the schedule and impacts of the project.
  • Spring 2025 – The Town commences construction on replacing the Queen Street bridge over the train tracks. The bridge will have to be closed during this work. The work is expected to be completed in Spring 2026.

Check back on this site under News Feed for updates on the project.

  • Notice 8 - Queen Street Bridge Update: Bell's Restoration on Queen Street

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    Bell has informed the Town that their contractor will be remobilizing back to Queen Street and Concession Street as early as the week of August 26, 2024, to start restoration work. It is anticipated this work will take 2 weeks to complete. The restoration work includes restoring of sidewalk and curbs and the repaving of the intersection of Queen Street and Concession Street.

    It is anticipated there will be minor and intermittent traffic delays along Queen Street to allow the contractor to complete their work within the intersection.

    The 10-tonne load restriction on the Queen Bridge over the Metrolinx tracks is still in effect.

    The look-ahead schedule for the Queen Street bridge replacement project is as follows:

    • Now until December 2024 – Bell to complete utility work, which involves cable placement and splicing of wires on Queen Street. This is low-impact work, and there will be minimal construction impact to traffic on Queen Street during this time.
    • Fall 2024 - The Town will be hosting a Public Information Centre for the Queen Street Bridge Replacement Project, which will provide residents and businesses with a better understanding of the schedule and impacts of the project. We will be working with all parties to ensure minimal disruption.
    • Spring 2025 –The Town will begin construction on replacing the Queen Street bridge over the train tracks. The bridge will have to remain closed during this work. The work is expected to be completed by Spring 2026.
  • Update as of Friday, June 7: Queen Street Bridge Reopens

    Share Update as of Friday, June 7: Queen Street Bridge Reopens on Facebook Share Update as of Friday, June 7: Queen Street Bridge Reopens on Twitter Share Update as of Friday, June 7: Queen Street Bridge Reopens on Linkedin Email Update as of Friday, June 7: Queen Street Bridge Reopens link

    On Saturday, June 8, the Town of Newmarket will be reopening the Queen Street bridge over the railway tracks to regular two-way traffic with the previously signed 10-tonne weight limit in place. The Queen Street bridge was previously closed in late April out of an abundance of caution while the Town conducted a more in-depth structural analysis of the bridge.

    This careful decision to reopen the bridge was taken after the Town consulted with a second independent structural engineering firm that undertook a more comprehensive and quantitative assessment with structural modeling to compare it to the original inspections which were based on visual qualitative observations only. The findings from the second assessment show that the bridge has enough structural core capacity and redundancy to allow for it to reopen to regular traffic under the previously signed 10-tonne weight restriction. The bridge will continue to be inspected every month to ensure it continues to be safe for all.

    The Town of Newmarket would like to thank all residents for their patience during this brief but necessary closure.

  • Notice 7 - April 26, 2024

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    Effective immediately, the Town of Newmarket is closing the Queen Street Bridge over the railway tracks for public safety until further notice. This immediate action is based on the findings of the most recent site inspection completed by the Town’s Structural Engineer. The Town of Newmarket apologizes for the inconvenience and short notice on the closure; however, public safety is the Town’s top priority. Local and public access will remain available (using the detour routes noted in the map)

    Prior to the planned full replacement of this bridge in 2025 due to its age and condition, the Town began a regular inspection program to monitor and maintain public safety since 2021. By the summer of 2022, in order to allow public access to continue on the Queen Street Bridge, the Town’s Structural Engineer recommended a 10-ton load restriction with signage indicating the load limit. The Queen Street bridge has continued to see heavy truck traffic despite the load posting and has now deteriorated more rapidly than expected. As a result, the Structural Engineer has advised the Town to close the Queen Street Bridge immediately for public safety.

    Although the bridge was originally slated to be closed for the purpose of the full reconstruction next year as Phase 2 of this multi-year project, this is an earlier closure than first anticipated. The Structural Engineer and Town staff are investigating potential options that may allow for a safe, temporary re-opening of the bridge between now and its planned full closure in 2025. The Town will also accelerate the tendering process in an attempt to begin permitting and construction earlier during the latter part of 2024 if at all possible.

    Members of the public looking to access Main Street or Prospect Street can use Davis Drive or Water Street. Detour signs will be in place to indicate the closure ahead of time for road users. Please see the detour map below for more details.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this important work to ensure the Queen Street bridge is safe for all to use.

    For future updates, please check back on this project webpage.

  • Notice 6 - November 01, 2023

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    Dear Residents and Business Owners,

    This notice is to provide you with an update on the work along Queen Street between Prospect Street and Main Street South.

    York Region and their Contractor (Trisan) are continuing to progress well on the Region’s sewer repair work at Queen Street and Concession Street.

    The current schedule is as follows:

    • October to November 2023: York Region to complete their repair of the sewer and temporarily restore the area of Queen Street/ Concession Street.
    • November 2023 to January 2024 – Avertex (Bell’s Contractor) will remobilize on Queen Street and Concession Street to complete the installation of Bell’s conduit along Queen Street between Concession Street and Prospect Street.
    • Spring 2024 – Permanent restoration of area (asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, sod, trees, etc.) Minor interruptions to traffic on Queen Street and Concession Street are anticipated during this work.
    • January 2024 to December 2024 – Bell to complete utility work, which will involve cable placement and splicing of wires on Queen Street. This is low-impact work, and there will be minimal impact to traffic on Queen Street during this time. The Town will also be hosting Public Information Centers for the Queen Street bridge replacement project, which will provide residents with a better understanding of the schedule and impacts of the project.
    • Spring 2025 – The Town commences construction on replacing the Queen Street bridge over the train tracks. The bridge will have to be closed during this work. The work is expected to be completed in Spring 2026.

    The most up-to-date schedule, all notices, and information can be viewed at heynewmarket.ca/queenbridge.

    The westbound traffic lane on Queen Street is currently open for emergency services, residents, and waste collection only. There may be interim traffic delays and we encourage all residents to follow the detour on the reverse side of this notice. The eastbound lane remains closed for the duration of this project and there is currently a 10 ton load limit on the bridge.

    For residents who have received waste bags from the Town, please continue to use these on your collection day. A friendly reminder to have your waste and recycling out by 7 a.m. If you require additional waste bags, please contact the undersigned.

    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise, and minor vibration. The Town, York Region, and Trisan will limit these inconveniences as much as possible.

    Should you have any questions regarding the project, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519.

    Project updates will be communicated to you via direct letter. For all past project updates and information, please visit heynewmarket.ca/queenbridge

    On behalf of every party involved with this project, the Town would like to truly thank the residents and community for their continued understanding, appreciation, and patience during this project.

  • Notice 5 - July 06, 2023

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    Dear Resident and Business Owners,

    This notice is to provide you with an update on the work along Queen Street between Prospect Street and Main Street


    Since the last notice, Bell’s contractor (Avertex) encountered an unexpected repair needed in the field, which will

    unfortunately extend the duration of the project by a few months. Avertex has left the site and York Region’s contractor,

    Trisan, has mobilized and will be working at the intersection of Queen Street and Concession Street. Once Trisan has

    completed their work, Avertex is scheduled to re-mobilize and finish installing the conduit as originally planned.

    The westbound traffic lane on Queen Street is currently open for emergency services, local residents, and waste collection

    only. There may be interim traffic delays and we encourage all residents to follow the detour on the reverse side of this

    notice. The eastbound lane remains closed for the duration of this project.

    For residents who have received waste bags from the Town, please continue to use these on your collection day. A friendly

    reminder to have your waste and recycling out by 7 a.m. If you require additional waste bags, please contact the


    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise, and minor vibration. The Town, York Region, and

    Trisan will limit these inconveniences as much as possible.

    Should you have any questions regarding the project, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at

    the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519, Jose Oliveira,

    Contract Administrator at York Region by e-mailing Jose.Oliveira@york.ca, or Steve Frustaglio at Trisan Construction by

    calling 416-389-8395 or by e-mailing stevefrustaglio@trisanconstruction.com.

    Project updates will be communicated to you via direct letter. For all past project updates and information, please visit


    On behalf of every party involved with this project, the Town would like to truly thank the residents and community for their

    continued understanding, appreciation, and patience during this project.

  • Notice 4 - April 28, 2023

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    Dear Resident and Business Owners,

    This notice is to provide you an update on Bell’s work along Queen Street between Prospect Street and Main Street South. Bell’s contractor (Avertex) mobilized on site and installed traffic detour signs on March 20, 2023. Eastbound traffic on Queen Street is currently closed and local traffic is permitted to travel westbound only. Avertex has installed a large carrier pipe underneath the Holland River and train tracks. The next steps are to install conduit within the carrier pipe and finish restoration work. Avertex is on schedule to be finished late May 2023 pending any unforeseen circumstances and weather.

    During construction, certain existing utilities were found to be installed in different locations compared to the historical engineering drawings which has resulted in a change to the construction methodology. This change includes a third pit being excavated west of Concession Street. The intersection of Concession Street and Queen Street will remain closed to traffic while the additional work is completed. Due to this change, the need to close the intersection of Main Street South and Queen Street for two days is no longer required. (As previously mentioned in Project Notice 3).

    Queen Street westbound traffic remains open for emergency services, local residents and waste collection only. If you have received garbage bags from the Town, please continue to use these on your collection day.

    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise, and minor vibration. The Town, Bell, and Avertex will limit these inconveniences as much as possible.

    Should you have any questions regarding the project, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519, Jarred Rundle, Structures Manager at Bell Canada by emailing jarred.rundle@bell.ca or John Jonker, Project Manager at Avertex at jjonker@avertex.ca or by calling 1-888-837-3030.

    Project updates will be communicated to you via direct letter. For all project updates and information, please visit heynewmarket.ca/queenbridge

    Thank you to the residents and businesses in the area for their patience and understanding as we complete this important work to ensure the Queen Street bridge remains safe for all to use while providing a connection into the heart of Newmarket.

  • Notice 3 - March 7, 2023

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    Dear Resident,

    This notice is to provide an update on the timelines for the Queen Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project that was communicated to you on February 8, 2023. Bell Canada will be conducting utility work along Queen Street in preparation for the Town’s bridge rehabilitation work that is scheduled to start in 2024 (pending utility work completion and successful tendering and budget approval).

    Bell Canada has advised the Town they are planning to start their utility work on March 15, 2023, and is expecting to complete their work in May 2023. There are two main phases of the utility work to be completed in this timeframe:

    Phase 1 – Drilling a tunnel between two excavated pits on Queen Street (March 15 to May 2023)

    As part of this notice, there is a diagram indicating the impacts that will be seen along Queen St. which are:

    • The southerly lane on Queen Street for eastbound traffic will be closed. Please use the detour route from Main Street South to Water Street/Davis Drive to Prospect Street.
    • The northerly lane on Queen Street (westbound traffic) will remain open to local traffic, emergency services and garbage collection.
    • There will be no access to Robertson Place from Queen Street. Please use Main Street South to access Robertson Street.
    • There will be no access to Concession Street from Queen Street. Please use Prospect Street to access Concession Street.
    • Residents on the north side of Queen Street will only be able to enter and exit their driveway from the west.
    • The Town will supply specific bags to residents on the south side of Queen Street between Prospect Street and Main Street South for collection services of garbage, recycling, and green bin during construction. Please ensure garbage is out by 7 a.m. The contractor will be collecting all garbage on the south side of Queen Street and placing it along the northerly boulevard for collection.
    • Some residents within the project area will be contacted by the Town’s consultant, GPM, to conduct a pre-condition survey of their house. Please note this is completely optional and will have no costs to the homeowners.

    Phase 2 – Laying out and pulling the conduit through the tunnel (two days in April, exact days to be confirmed)

    This phase includes laying out approximately 300 meters of conduit along Queen Street between Robertson Place and Raglan Street. The construction impacts are as follows:

    • Main Street/Queen Street intersection will be closed to traffic.
    • Queen Street between Niagara Street and Robertson Place will be closed to traffic.
    • The detour routes will be communicated to you in a future notice.
    • Properties on the south side of Queen Street between Niagara Street and Robertson Place will not have access to their driveways. The Contractor (Avertex) will be in contact with the affected residents for parking accommodations. The Town will also provide an additional notice in the near future to the exact homes that will be affected.
    • Driveway access to the south-west corner of Main Street and Queen Street will be closed from Queen Street. Driveway access from Main Street South will be available.

    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise, and minor vibration. The Town, Bell, and Avertex will limit these inconveniences as much as possible.

    Should you have any questions regarding the project prior to or during the work, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519, Jarred Rundle, Structures Manager at Bell Canada by emailing jarred.rundle@bell.ca or John Jonker, Project Manager at Avertex at jjonker@avertex.ca or by calling 1-888-837-3030.

    Project updates will be communicated to you via direct letter. For all project updates and information, please visit heynewmarket.ca/queenbridge

    Thank you to the residents and businesses in the area for their patience and understanding as we complete this important work to ensure the Queen Street bridge remains safe for all to use while providing a connection into the heart of Newmarket.

  • Notice 2 - January 31, 2023

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    This notice is to provide an update on the tentative timelines for the Queen Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project that was first communicated to you on November 25, 2022 . As part of the first phase of the project, Bell Canada will be conducting utility work along Queen Street in preparation for the bridge rehabilitation work. (Please see the map on the reverse side for more information on the project area).

    Bell advised the Town that the utility work start date has been delayed and below is the updated tentative schedule:

    Phase 1: Bell Canada utility work

    • Directional drilling of telecommunication conduit under the tracks (March 2023 – May 2023)
    • Splicing and reconfiguration of telecommunication cables (May 2023 – Summer 2024)

    Phase 2: Town of Newmarket infrastructure work to Queen Bridge

    • Replacement of the Queen Street Bridge structure (Summer 2024 subject to completion of utility work)

    The first notice and other updates regarding the project can be accessed by visiting heynewmarket.ca/QueenBridge.

    In order for Bell’s contractor (Avertex) to relocate their telecommunication wires, lane closures, traffic detours, and road restrictions will be required from March 2023 to May 2023, depending on the tendering process, obtaining permits and suitable weather for the construction.

    Exact details of Bell’s schedule for required lane closures, detours, and road restrictions will be provided to you in a future notice prior to Bell starting their work. Once these details are provided to the Town by Bell Canada, the Town will contact local businesses and residents who will be directly impacted by the work to review the proposed construction methodology, planned detour routes if needed, and possible impacts.

    Residents will be provided hand-delivered notices for timely and urgent updates about the project. You are also encouraged to visit our website for more frequent updates regarding the project at: heynewmarket.ca/QueenBridge

    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise and minor vibration. The Town, Bell, and Avertex will limit these inconveniences as much as possible and will keep a close eye to ensure that they do not exceed acceptable limits.

    Should you have any questions regarding the project prior to or during the work, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this work.

  • Notice 1 - November 25, 2022

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    This notice is to inform you that the Town of Newmarket has started the detailed design to replace the Queen Street Bridge that spans the Metrolinx train tracks (see exact bridge location on the reverse side). After an inspection was conducted, it was determined that the bridge needed to be improved to support the future electrification and long-term GO Transit Expansion Plan, and although the bridge is currently safe, parts of it need to be replaced to ensure longer term safety for the future. The scope of this project includes two major phases with the following tentative start dates:

    Phase 1: Bell Canada utility work

    • Directional drilling of telecommunication conduit under the tracks (January 2023 – March 2023)
    • Splicing and reconfiguration of telecommunication cables (March 2023 – Spring 2024)

    Phase 2: Town of Newmarket infrastructure work to Queen Bridge

    • Replacement of the Queen Street Bridge structure (Spring 2024 subject to completion of utility work)

    In order for Bell’s contractor (Avertex) to relocate their telecommunication wires, lane closures, traffic detours, and road restrictions will be required from January 2023 to March 2023, depending on the tendering process, obtaining permits and suitable weather for the construction. Exact details of Bell’s schedule for required lane closures, detours, and road restrictions will be provided to you in a future notice prior to Bell starting their work. Once these details are provided to the Town by Bell Canada, the Town will contact local businesses and residents who will be directly impacted by the work to review the proposed construction methodology, planned detour routes if needed, and possible impacts. Residents will be provided hand-delivered notices for timely and urgent updates about the project.

    You are also encouraged to visit our website for more frequent updates regarding the project at: heynewmarket.ca/QueenBridge

    As with all construction works, residents may experience dust, noise and minor vibration. The Town, Bell, and Avertex will limit these inconveniences as much as possible and will keep a close eye to ensure that they do not exceed acceptable limits. Should you have any questions regarding the project prior to or during the work, please reach out to Eric Engman, Capital Works Project Manager at the Town of Newmarket by emailing eengman@newmarket.ca or by calling 905-895-5193 ext. 2519.

    We thank you for your patience and understanding during this work.

  • Construction Updates

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    Follow along as we post construction updates and important information about this project!

Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 04:27 PM